LettsGroup's AI VentureFactory Now Available for Tech-Driven Startups, Scale-ups and Venture Capital Firms

LettsGroup's market-leading AI VentureFactory, providing unparalleled startup intelligence, is now available to co-pilot select entrepreneurs, corporate incubators and venture capital firms.

LettsGroup and its AI-driven VentureFactory are uniquely positioned to help startups, scale-ups, venture capitalists and corporate venture firms build tech-driven ventures with better success rates and financial returns. By utilising advanced technology and proven methodologies, LettsGroup provides an innovative approach to venture building that addresses the high failure rates and inconsistent returns typical in the startup ecosystem. They call it "startup intelligence".

Already utilised by its own branded ventures, the AI VentureFactory is now available to co-pilot other technology-driven startups, scale-ups, venture capital firms and corporate venture groups. It has been initially launched in limited release to select 3rd party ventures. LettsGroup's AI VentureFactory, its startup methodology and venture building tools and processes are proven over many years and with multiple successful technology, media and climate ventures.

AI VentureFactory Dashboard Screenshot
AI VentureFactory Dashboard

At the core of LettsGroup's success is their proprietary Innov@te™ methodology, which uses a customer-centric approach to ensure ventures are closely aligned with market needs. This systematic approach, combined with a seven-stage venture-building process, helps ventures progress from idea to exit while minimising risks and costs. With 49 steps and hundreds of sub-steps, the process covers every detail of venture development, significantly improving the chances of success.

Additionally, the AI VentureFactory incorporates AI tools and automation to enhance every phase of venture building, from product development to market scaling. By using AI, LettsGroup reduces costs, accelerates growth, and increases the quality of ventures built. This platform supports entrepreneurs and investors by providing a structured, repeatable system that has proven effective across industries like software (including Cloud and SaaS), fintech, mediatech, and climate tech​. LettsGroup's AI VentureFactory and its supporting programme, powered by a suite of apps, templates and tools also accelerates innovation financing.

LettsGroup AI Chatbot Screenshot
LettsGroup's AI Chatbot for entrepreneurs and investors

In addition, everyone is invited to use the new AI chatbot for entrepreneurs and investors , designed to assist with everything from idea validation to financial planning. This startup intelligence tool leverages LettsGroup's extensive venture experience, offering real-time insights and tailored advice to streamline decision-making processes. For venture capitalists, this innovation AI chatbot helps them to get under the skin of venture building and evaluate new opportunities, adding significant value to investment strategies. Find it at www.Letts.Group.

LettsGroup’s AI VentureFactory goes further enabling startups to scale efficiently, while also providing corporate venture firms and VCs with a more reliable path to higher returns. Its integration of hybrid AI, combined with its deep industry expertise, positions LettsGroup as a leader in venture innovation, financing and startup intelligence, making them a vital partner for those looking to navigate the complexities of building successful ventures in today's fast-paced market.

From today tech-driven startups beyond Seed financing can register for LettsGroup's AI VentureFactory pogramme to co-pilot them from startup to successful scale-up, delivering unparalleled startup intelligence, at LettsGroup/VentureFactory.