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Founder Mode Ignites Silicon Valley

LettsCartoon: Founder Mode - the hot new management theory in the maelstrom that is Silicon Valley.

The likes of Paul Graham from Y Combinator and Brian Chesky of Airbnb swear by 'Founder Mode'. It's a friendly way to say that corporate managers are crap and founders should trust their control freakish tendencies. After all, it did wonders for Steve Jobs.

At the moment details are a little sketchy other than 'ditch the corporate mumbo-jumbo jargon folk'! You know, the empty suits with Adidas Campus sneakers - and manage from the middle (we added that) with tonnes of reports and control. Do what your gut tells you, just not the Sam Bankman-Fried kinda gut.

The Mafia have apparently been practising 'Founder Mode' for ages. They call it 'keeping it in the family'...

Founder Mode Image
Founder Mode versus Manager Mode - which one are you?

This cartoon first appeared at The Letts Journal.
