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LettsGroup NewsFlash - December 2024

December NewsFlash from LettsGroup and its Ventures.

LettsGroup HQ

2024 has been a transformative year for LettsGroup. Its initial cohort of 5 branded ventures have all launched in their respective markets and the group's groundbreaking AI VentureFactory was released to outside ventures, beyond its own branded ventures. As a result, the group will expand its advisory board in preparation for its ventures moving from startup to scale-up. Advisory board members input to group strategy, as well as guiding and mentoring branded and partner ventures through their stages of growth - we call it co-piloting. With the AI VentureFactory available in limited release to outside ventures, today we announce EAglobal joining the platform. The NewsFlash is extending coverage to this agentic AI company accelerating corporate diligence processes. LettsGroup is getting regularly approached by entrepreneurs and investors interested in signing up to the platform.

AI VentureFactory graphic
LettsGroup's AI VentureFactory


LettsCore has made significant progress in 2024, and the next generation Web3 content and media management platform is busy building out its public website in preparation for lower-friction, online customer acquisition and onboarding later in Q1 2025. In December the team continued development of LettsCore's SaaS system with deeper integration of organisational pricing options inside each content atom. They've gained access to Magic Eden api’s and initial work is underway to create a Solana standard NFT Collection and Items, with auto-distribution built in. Following this, LettsCore will add support for OpenSea. The team has built out its integration documentation ready to support their 2nd corporate customer as they will begin work integrating LettsCore into their news publishing system.


The LettsNews team has been focused on making its software available in full public beta from January 2025 . LettsNews delivers simple, yet powerful newsroom tech for journalists, corporate content managers and small and medium media companies. Its private beta has been successfully completed proving its subscription-based web app, supported with fully sync'd mobile apps, is highly effective at rapidly gathering news in-office or in the field, and running the editorial-to-publishing process with team inputs and approvals prior to auto-distribution to leading news sites. Its 2025 roadmap will include auto-posting to social media sites post news distribution, AI enabled headlines, summaries and tags, company subscription plans and development of its news content marketplace in beta.

Soft Wasp gallery using LettsArt
Soft Wasp's art gallery powered by LettsArt


LettsArt has completed its startup phase, with hundreds of galleries and thousands of users adopting its no-code AI software. It has proven that customers sign up at scale, its product/market fit and early revenues and KPI's - with its early adopter, emerging artist customers wanting to sell art better online with a branded art gallery. From next year the company will scale revenues through higher value customers - both high selling artists, commercial gallerists and art dealers. We highlight one artist that personifies LettsArt's roots with ambitious, emerging artists. Soft Wasp is a post-modern street-style artist using LettsArt's software to build and manage a commercial gallery that sells his art on canvases. There is a certain 'Banksy' about him. His prices are attractive and he is highly prolific. His gallery has 100's of artworks on show and a number available for purchase.

Buy your holiday gifts from LettsGroup ventures: get great art with LettsArt. Subscribe to LettsSafari to get your wild on (once a member you can also gift subscriptions). And now's the time to book your 2025 eco-estate retreat at LettsRetreat. If you're feeling a bit broke after all that subscribe to The Letts Journal - it's FREE!


LettsSafari is gaining attention as the nascent nature-tech sector begins to form. Its subscription-based digital offering is building a quiet movement around mass market rewilding. Its early adopter subscribers, including nature leaders, green entrepreneurs and influencers are increasingly attracted to its novel approach to eco-services. Word of mouth is extending to the US, Europe and into Africa. Its on the ground action, with its own network of safari parks, its pioneering smaller-scale rewilding system, and its digital, mediatech wrapper is naturally suited to a wide geographic audience focused on nature restoration and rewilding.

EAglobal Scratchpad beta screenshot
EAglobal's Scratchpad beta


EAglobal is the latest 'partner venture' to have adopted LettsGroup's AI VentureFactory to help it scale-up more efficiently than otherwise possible, which is important given the considerable market interest for its form-filling AI platform that completes diligence questionnaire's (DDQs) regardless of format. The team is led by the ex-head of AI at Fidelity. This UK-based agentic AI company offers its solution to B2B companies receiving DDQ questionnaires from their customers - including ESG disclosures. We're excited to welcome EAglobal to the growing network of LettsGroup ventures - delivering higher venture success rates and better returns.

Other LettsGroup Ventures

We highlight a few of our ventures in each monthly edition of The LettsGroup NewsFlash. To explore other LettsGroup ventures go to LettsGroup/ventures.
