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Natural climate solutions
Plan two generations ahead but make money every year
The Letts family have a simple approach to business.
At the turn of the millennium, as the climate crisis became reality, we realised that we might no longer be able to plan two generations ahead. So we started exploring environmental projects focused on natural climate solutions.
Today Letts Environment brings innovation and sustainable business models to carbon capture and biodiversity enhancement. We are a leader in smaller-scale rewilding and have created innovative wildlife biodomes. Behind the scenes we are developing an eco estate retreat venture. We recently launched Letts Safari.
Letts Safari
Letts Safari is a subscription based digital greentech platform that is tackling the biodiversity crisis by expanding the number of rewilding parks and gardens – accelerating nature regeneration and surface-based carbon capture. Members do something about climate change – one tree, one animal, one new safari park at a time. Go to Letts Safari.
Climate Action Plans
See our 10 Point Climate Action Plans for individuals, businesses, cities and towns to help tackle climate change and to reduce emissions.
The Wild Kitchen
We have developed approaches for garden rewilding and wildlife gardening. Currently we are exploring the ‘wild kitchen’ for healthier eating, while we experiment with approaches to wild kitchen gardens.
Rewilding Safari Parks
In 2019 we opened a UK based centre of excellence for natural climate solutions in southwest England. It has two smaller-scale rewilding wildlife parks and one of the first examples of a ‘safari garden’. You can book a visit through DSP.
DSP Online
We also publish a digital, subscription based publication for environmental art enthusiasts called DSP Online.
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